TeX 1995 July
TeX CD-ROM July 1995 (Disc 1)(Walnut Creek)(1995).ISO
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Text File
2,056 lines
$! Contents:
$! AIP.txs
$! CVformat.txs
$! FTP
$! Fonts.tex
$! IEEE.txs
$! Install.tex
$! Manual.aux
$! Manual.tex
$! TXSapxF.doc
$! TXScover.doc
$! TXSdoc.doc
$! TXSdoc0.doc
$! TXSdocM.doc
$! TXSdocR.doc
$! TXSend.doc
$! TXSpatch.example
$! TXSprns.doc
$! Tablebody.txs
$! WorldSci.txs
$! bundle
$! nuclproc.txs
$! null.tex
$! ruled.tex
$! texsis.1
$! texsis.el
$! vms_bundle
$! =========== AIP.txs ============
$ copy sys$input AIP.txs
% file: AIP.txs TeXsis version 2.14
% $Revision: 15.0 $ : $Date: 91/07/09 19:23:39 $ : $Author: myers $
% AIP -- TeXsis style file for American Institute of Physics proceedings
\emsg{\@comment\ AIP: American Institute of Physics Proceedings Layout}
\def\AIPproceedings{% AIP proceedings format
\auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
\refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
\hsize=146mm % width of text
\vsize=222mm % length of text
\texsis % Initialize TeXsis
\def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf}% % 14pt bold title
\def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % 12pt bold section head
\def\titlepage{% % title page for \AIPproceedings
\bgroup% % begin \titlepage group
\let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
\pageno=1}% %
\def\endtitlepage{% % end title page for \AIPproceedings
\endmode % end any open field
\egroup% % end \titlepage group
\medskip}% %
\def\abstract{% % abstract for \AIPproceedings
\endmode % end previous field
\bgroup %
\vskip\baselineskip % one blank line
\centerline{ABSTRACT}% % "ABSTRACT", centered
\vskip\baselineskip % another blank line
\let\endmode=\endabstract % to end \abstract
\noindent}% %
\def\endabstract{% % end abstract for \AIPproceedings
\medskip\egroup}% %
\def\disclaimer##1{\relax}% % disable \disclaimer
\def\toappear##1{\relax}% % disable \toappear
\def\submitted##1{\relax}% % disable \submitted
\twelvepoint % roughly Elite type
\parindent=5em % roughly 5 spaces
\autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
\quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
\nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
\singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
%>>> EOF AIP.txs <<<
$! =========== CVformat.txs ============
$ copy sys$input CVformat.txs
% file: CVformat.txs TeXsis 2.15
% CVformat.txs -- macros for producing a Curriculum Vitae and
% publication list. Modify these as you like or
% add to it.
% Eric Myers, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 7 November, 1985
\emsg{\@comment CVformat: Curriculum Vitae macros}%
\def\CVformat{% CVformat: Curriculum Vitae macros
\hsize=6.0 true in
\quoteon % turn on easyquotes
\raggedright\tolerance=800 % ragged right with looser tolerance
% headline placement and spacing:
{\twelvepoint\sl Curriculum Vitae of \NAME\hfil Page \folio}%
\else \hfil\fi}\fi
% \item, \EXitem, \pubitem
\item{\bf #1}\smallskip
\def\textindent#1{\indent\llap{\hbox to \parindent{#1\hss}}\ignorespaces}
% \EXitem{note} puts the note in the left margin in \tenpoint,
% and you can break the line with \n
\item{\def\n{\hss\egroup\hbox to \hangindent\bgroup}%
\hbox to 0pt{%
\vtop to 0pt{\tenpoint\rm
\hbox to \hangindent\bgroup#1\hss\egroup\vss}%
% \Publications begins list of publications
\headline={{\twelvepoint\sl Publications of \NAME\hfil Page \folio}}\fi
\raggedright \tolerance=2200
\item{\bf PUBLICATIONS:}
% \pubitem is \itm for publications list
% \pubitem is like \item, but it automatically gives the item a number
\newcount\pubnum \pubnum=0
\advance\pubnum by 1
% \nl skips to a new line in the reference text
% \undertext underscores any text
% \booktitle is used in the reference text to cause the title of a book
% to be printed in italics.
\def\booktitle#1{{\sl #1}}
\headline={{\twelvepoint\sl References for \NAME\hfil}}\fi
\item{\bf REFERENCES:}
%>>> EOF CVformat.txs <<<
$! =========== FTP ============
$ copy sys$input FTP
texsis/FTP - How to get TeXsis via anonymous ftp
Source code and documentation for TeXsis can be obtained via
anonymous ftp over the Internet from lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu. To copy
the files, run ftp on your computer and connect to
lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu (or Give the login name
"anonymous" and your e-mail address as the password. The TeXsis files
for Unix machines are in a (possibly compressed) tar file in the
subdirectory texsis, or in shar bundles in the subdirectory texsis/Unix.
For Vax/VMS machines the files are available in DCL bundles (.COM files
which unpack themselves into many files) in the subdirectory texsis/VMS.
The code is the same in any case, it's just packed differently.
Note also:
- The macros for making ruled tables with Plain TeX known as ruled.tex
are available independently in the subdirectory texsis/tables.
- The macros for making an index using Plain TeX and the MakeIndex
program are available in texsis/index.
- Ralph Smith's formal script fonts are available in texsis/rsfs.
Eric Myers (texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu) - 3 August 1992
$! =========== Fonts.tex ============
$ copy sys$input Fonts.tex
% File: Fonts.tex TeXsis version 2.15
\TeXquoteon % | is a TeX quote (printed tt)
\input TXSdocM.doc % macros for manual
\line{\revdate \hfill \TeXsis\ \fmtversion} % a banner of sorts
\vbox{\vskip.75in} % some whitespace
A \TeX\ Format for Physics
Font Tables
Eric Myers
Center for Relativity
Physics Department
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712~~USA
Frank E. Paige
Physics Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973~~USA
This supplement to the \TeXsis\ manual contains tables of the characters
in all of the available fonts.
\parskip=\medskipamount % some extra space between paragraphs
\appendix{B}{Font Tables}
Fonts used in \TeXsis, with the design size names and the required
sizes in points.
Base Name | Description | Sizes (pt) \crthick
cmr10 | Roman | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmti10 | Text italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmsl10 | Slanted | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmbx10 | Roman bold | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmmi10 | Math italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmsy10 | Math symbol | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmex10 | Math extended | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmtt10 | Typewriter | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \cr
cmss10 | Sans serif | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~~~~~~~~~~~ \crthick
cmmib10 | Math italic bold | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmbsy10 | Bold symbol | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24
The Computer Modern fonts that are used either by Plain \TeX\ or by
\TeXsis\ and the required sizes for each are listed in \Tbl{Fonts}. The
|cmmib10| and |cmbsy10| fonts may not exist in all installations, but
they will not be loaded unless |\mib| is used, so they are not required.
The command |\printfont{|\meta{font}|}| can be used to print a table of
the characters in any \meta{font}, e.g.,
Such tables are given on the following pages.
Most versions of \TeX\ now use Computer Modern fonts, but some
still use the older American Modern fonts. If you have problems with the
fonts, try editing |TXSfonts.tex|, replacing all occurrences of |=cm|
with |=am| and then recompiling \TeXsis. Mixing the two types of fonts
will produce errors.
\Printfont{cmti10}{Text Italic}
\Printfont{cmbx10}{Roman bold}
\Printfont{cmmi10}{Math italic}
\Printfont{cmsy10}{Math symbol}
\Printfont{cmex10}{Math extended}
\Printfont{cmss10}{Sans serif}
\Printfont{cmmib10}{Math italic bold}
\Printfont{cmbsy10}{Math bold symbol}
%>>> EOF Fonts.tex <<<
$! =========== IEEE.txs ============
$ copy sys$input IEEE.txs
% file: IEEE.txs TeXsis version 2.14
% $Revision: 15.0 $ : $Date: 91/07/09 19:24:17 $ : $Author: myers $
% IEEE -- TeXsis style file for IEEE conference proceedings
\emsg{\@comment\ IEEE: IEEE conference proceedings layouts}
% IEEE Proceedings Layout:
\def\IEEEproceedings{% IEEE proceedings format
\auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
\refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
\texsis % Initialize TeXsis
\setdoublecolumns{9.5in}{12.875in}{4.625in}% IEEE page size
\def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf}% % 14pt bold title
\def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % 12pt bold section head
\let\titlepage=\@IEEEtp % new \titlepage macro
\let\endtitlepage=\@IEEEetp % new \endtitlepage macro
\let\abstract=\@IEEEabs % new \abstract macro
\twelvepoint % roughly Elite type
\autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
\quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
\nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
\singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
\def\@IEEEtp{% \titlepage for IEEE layouts
\bgroup% % begin titlepage group
\let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
\pageno=1} % start on page 1
\def\@IEEEetp{% \endtitlepage for IEEE layouts
\endmode % end any open field
\egroup% % end titlepage group
\bigskip\bigskip} % don't skip page
\def\@IEEEabs{% \abstract for IEEE layouts
\endmode % end previous field
\bgroup %
\vskip\baselineskip % one blank line
\centerline{ABSTRACT}% % "ABSTRACT", centered
\vskip\baselineskip % another blank line
\leftskip=1in\rightskip=1in % narrower abstract
\let\endmode=\endabstract % to end \abstract
\noindent} % do not indent abstract
% \IEEEreduced makes an IEEE document 75% full size in 9pt type
% for 8.5in x 11in paper:
\auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
\refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
\def\Tbf{\elevenpoint\bf}% % 11pt bold title
\def\tbf{\ninepoint\bf}% % 9pt bold section head
\texsis % Initialize TeXsis
\setdoublecolumns{7.125in}{9.65625in}{3.46875in}% 75% size
\advance\hoffset by -.3125in% % for above size
\advance\voffset by -.328125in% % for above size
\let\titlepage=\@IEEEtp % new \titlepage macro
\let\endtitlepage=\@IEEEetp % new \endtitlepage macro
\let\abstract=\@IEEEabs % new \abstract macro
\ninepoint % roughly Elite type
\autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
\quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
\nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
\singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
%>>> EOF IEEE.txs <<<
$! =========== INSTALL ============
$ copy sys$input INSTALL
texsis/INSTALL - How to get the installation instructions
A complete set of instructions for installing TeXsis on Unix, VMS
and other machines is given in the appendix of the TeXsis manual. You
can print this appendix using Plain TeX with the file Install.tex. (You
must also have the files TXSinstl.doc, TXSmacs.tex, TXSenvmt.tex and
TXSdocM.doc in the current directory.)
If you are running TeX 3.0 on a Unix machine you can probably install
TeXsis on your system by simply editing the parameters in the Makefile
and saying `make install`. If you have any problems with this see the
full instructions.
3 August 1992
$! =========== Install.tex ============
$ copy sys$input Install.tex
%% file: Install.tex TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.3 $ : $Date: 92/06/19 23:08:06 $ : $Author: myers $
% Installation Instructions for TeXsis E. Myers and F.E. Paige
% This file can be used with Plain TeX to print the installation
% instructions for TeXsis (which is an appendix of the manual).
% For quick installation instructions see the file Makefile.
% Dependencies: TXSmacs.tex, TXSenvmt.tex, index.tex, TXSinstl.doc
% TeXsis -- Installation Instructions : This file is a part ot TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
% first load just the parts of TeXsis we need to do the job
\input TXSmacs % main macros common to all components
\input TXSenvmt % center and flush environments, etc..
% now some stand-in definitions for full TeXsis macros
\def\revdate{8 March 1992}%
\def\nosechead#1{\medskip\noindent{\bf #1}\medskip}
\def\TeXsis{\TeX sis}
\def\square{\hbox{{$\sqcup$}\llap{$\sqcap$}}} % box
\def\ATunlock{\catcode`@=11}\ATunlock % @ is a letter
\newskip\ttglue \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
\newcount\refnum \refnum=\z@ % counter for reference numbers
\newcount\@firstrefnum \@firstrefnum=1 % first of a series of refs
\newcount\@lastrefnum \@lastrefnum=1 % last of a series of refs
\newcount\tabnum \tabnum=\z@ % table number
\newcount\fignum \fignum=\z@ % figure number
\newcount\eqnum \eqnum=\z@ % equation number in section
\def\@chaptID{}\def\@sectID{} % start with these null
\newif\ifContentsSwitch \newif\ifRunningHeads
\input TXSdocM.doc % macros for the manual
\markindexfalse % no proof marks for index entries
\input TXSinstl.doc % Installation instructions from manual
$! =========== MANIFEST ============
$ copy sys$input MANIFEST
File Name Archive # Description
AIP.txs 1 American Institute of Physics style file
CVformat.txs 1 style file for Curriculum Vitae
Elsevier.txs 5 style file for North Holland publications
Example.tex 3 short example of a paper created with TeXsis
FTP 1 How to get TeXsis via ftp
Fonts.tex 1 Standalone fonttable printout
IEEE.txs 1 IEEE proceedings style file
INSTALL 1 Info on how to get installation instructions
Install.tex 1 TeXsis installation instructions, in Plain tex
MANIFEST 1 This shipping list
Makefile 3 Unix makefile to make format and Manual
Manual.aux 1 label definitions for the TeXsis Manual
Manual.ind 6 processed index for the TeXsis manual
Manual.tex 1 TeXsis file to print manual
PhysRev.txs 2 Physical Review style file
README 1 general information about this distribution
TXSapxF.doc 1 Appendix with font tables
TXSconts.tex 2 table of contents
TXScover.doc 1 Cover for the Manual
TXSdcol.doc 6 double column documentation
TXSdcol.tex 10 double column format
TXSdoc.doc 1 documentation masterfile
TXSdoc0.doc 1 documentation title page
TXSdocM.doc 1 macros for manual
TXSdocR.doc 1 reference list for manual
TXSend.doc 1 end of Manual, acknowledgements and contents
TXSenvmt.doc 7 documentation for center and list environments
TXSenvmt.tex 10 special environments, \center, \Listing, etc
TXSeqns.doc 5 Documentation for equation numbering
TXSeqns.tex 4 equation numbering
TXSfigs.doc 7 documentation for figures and tables
TXSfigs.tex 9 figure and table macros
TXSfmts.doc 6 documentation for layouts
TXSfmts.tex 5 document layouts
TXSfonts.doc 4 font documentation
TXSfonts.tex 8 TeXsis font definitions
TXSform.tex 3 form letters
TXShead.tex 2 running headlines and footlines
TXSinit.tex 3 initialization stuff and some basic macros
TXSinstl.doc 4 installation instructions, Manual appendix A
TXSintro.doc 5 Manual introduction
TXSletr.doc 5 documentation for letter and memo macros
TXSletr.tex 3 LetterFormat for typing letters
TXSmacs.tex 9 miscelaneous macros common to all components
TXSmemo.tex 5 MemoFormat for typing memoranda
TXSmisc.doc 2 Documentation for miscellaneous macros
TXSpatch.example 1 example of a patch file
TXSprns.doc 1 documetation for paren sizing and balancing
TXSprns.tex 3 automatic paren sizing and balancing
TXSrefs.doc 4 documentation for reference numbering
TXSrefs.tex 8 references and citations
TXSrevs.doc 4 revision history, manual appendix C
TXSruled.doc 8 documentation for ruled tables
TXSruled.tex 6 TeX macros for ruled tables, vis. ruled.tex
TXSsects.doc 3 chapter and section documentation
TXSsects.tex 7 chapter and section divisions
TXSsite.example 2 example of a site dependent macro file
TXSsymb.doc 2 documentation for extended math symbols
TXSsymb.tex 2 extended math symbols for physics
TXStags.doc 2 documentation for misc tags
TXStags.tex 3 tags for ref and eqn numbers, labeling
TXStitle.tex 4 title page macros for physics papers
Tablebody.txs 1 old-style table making macros
WorldSci.txs 1 World Scientific proceedins style file
bundle 1 shell script to bundle up shar bundles
epsf.tex 2 Tomas Rokicki's Encapulated PostScript macros
index.tex 4 index making macros for Plain TeX & MakeIndex
nuclproc.txs 1 style file for Nuclear Physics proceedings
null.tex 1 standard empty file for TeX
ruled.tex 1 Plain TeX interface for ruled tables
texsis.1 1 man page for texsis, in troff -man format
texsis.el 1 an emacs mode for TeXsis
texsis.tex 2 master file to generate TeXsis format
thesis.txs 2 style file for a thesis
vms_bundle 1 creates .COM file bundles for VMS from MANIFEST
$! =========== Manual.aux ============
$ copy sys$input Manual.aux
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Knuth@\endcsname {1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Groppe@\endcsname {2}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Myers@\endcsname {3}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.PHYZZX@\endcsname {4}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Doob@\endcsname {5}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Spivak@\endcsname {6}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.intro@\endcsname {1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @pg.itemize@\endcsname {1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.philosophy@\endcsname {1.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.start@\endcsname {2}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.fonts@\endcsname {3}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.eqns@\endcsname {4}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.eqno@\endcsname {4.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Newton@\endcsname {4.4}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Dirac@\endcsname {4.5}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.eigen@\endcsname {4.6}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.eigen;a@\endcsname {4.6a}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.eigen@\endcsname {4.6}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.eigen;b@\endcsname {4.6b}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Hamilton-1@\endcsname {4.7}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Hamilton-2@\endcsname {4.8}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.NC@\endcsname {4.9}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM@\endcsname {4.10}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM;a@\endcsname {4.10a}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM@\endcsname {4.10}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM;b@\endcsname {4.10b}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM@\endcsname {4.10}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM;c@\endcsname {4.10c}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM@\endcsname {4.10}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.EM;d@\endcsname {4.10d}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Pauli@\endcsname {4.11}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Pauli;a@\endcsname {4.11a}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Pauli@\endcsname {4.11}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Pauli;b@\endcsname {4.11b}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Pauli@\endcsname {4.11}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.Pauli;c@\endcsname {4.11c}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.lep@\endcsname {4.12}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.lep;a@\endcsname {4.12a}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.lep@\endcsname {4.12}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.lep;b@\endcsname {4.12b}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.lep@\endcsname {4.12}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Eq.lep;c@\endcsname {4.12c}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.refs@\endcsname {5}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Feynman,1949@\endcsname {7}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.PauliandVillars,1949@\endcsname {8}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.sects@\endcsname {6}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.fmts@\endcsname {7}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.DIS@\endcsname {9}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.headline@\endcsname {7.2}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.styles@\endcsname {7.3}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.envmt@\endcsname {8}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Banzai,1984@\endcsname {10}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.env-indent@\endcsname {8.2.4}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Weinberg,1972@\endcsname {11}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Thm.Cauchy@\endcsname {8.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.K&R@\endcsname {12}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.figures@\endcsname {9}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.figs@\endcsname {9.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Fg.Penguin@\endcsname {9.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Rokicki@\endcsname {13}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.tbls@\endcsname {9.3}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.tableexample@\endcsname {9.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.ruled@\endcsname {9.4}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Masters@\endcsname {14}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Cowan@\endcsname {15}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.example-II@\endcsname {9.2}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.SiHCl@\endcsname {9.3}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.Bozek,1991@\endcsname {16}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.tablemac@\endcsname {9.4}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.tablemac;a@\endcsname {9.4a}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.tablemac@\endcsname {9.4}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.tablemac;b@\endcsname {9.4b}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Fg.intro.17@\endcsname {1.17}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.letr@\endcsname {10}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.dcol@\endcsname {11}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Ref.CRC@\endcsname {17}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.labels@\endcsname {12}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.labels@\endcsname {12.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.misc@\endcsname {13}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @sect.chkpt@\endcsname {13.3}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @install@\endcsname {A}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @Tb.Fonts@\endcsname {B.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @rev.2.15@\endcsname {C.1}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @rev.2.14@\endcsname {C.2}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @rev.2.13@\endcsname {C.3}
\expandafter \gdef \csname @rev.2.12@\endcsname {C.4}
$! =========== Manual.tex ============
$ copy sys$input Manual.tex
% file: Manual.tex TeXsis version 2.14
% $Revision: 15.0 $ : $Date: 91/07/09 19:26:09 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis Manual -- This file prints the TeXsis manual.
% First we look to see if this is being run under TeXsis, or
% Plain TeX. If \TeXsis is undefined then it must be Plain
\ifx \TeXsis\undefined\relax
\input texsis \relax % read in TeXsis macros
\the\everyjob % start it up
% Now go read in the manual Master file. The manual files are TXS*.doc
\input TXSdoc.doc % read the manual
$! =========== README ============
$ copy sys$input README
% This is the texsis/README file. 3 August 1992
% $Revision: 1.2 $ : $Date: 91/06/04 14:26:03 $ : $Author: myers $
% For a description of TeXsis see the file DESCRIPTION
% For information on installation see the file INSTALL and/or the Makefile
% For information about how to get TeXsis via ftp see the file FTP
% For a list of what is in which files see the file MANIFEST
This directory and the directories below contain the source files and
documentation for the TeX macro package known as TeXsis. The current
version number is 2.15.
The simplest way to get the distribution is to copy the
tar file
Don't forget to use binary mode. If the file is compressed (ends in
".Z" then you will have to uncompress it before unpacking it with tar).
If you can't copy this file, for whatever reason, the files are also
available in smaller sized ASCII "bundle" files in the directories:
Unix - The files are in the form of shar bundles. Once you have
copied them to your own machine run each bundle through sh.
Alternatively, there is a shell script called unbundle which
will do this for you.
VMS - The files are in the form of DCL .COM files which will unpack
themselves if you run them with the command @TEXSISxx.COM,
where xx is the bundle number.
The only difference is how the files are packed, the code is absolutely
the same. Each distribution has a file called MANIFEST in the first
bundle which lists all of the files that should be in the current
distribution and a summary of what they contain.
To make it easier for the casual reader of electronic preprints
("e-prints") to print a TeXsis document we have also put all of the core
TeXsis macros into one source file (called mtexsis.tex), with all the
comments and blank lines removed. A reader who does not have TeXsis on
his/her system can then (usually) simply get this file, add "\input
mtexsis" to the manuscript file if needed, and print the paper with
Plain TeX.
Several other useful TeX tools are available here independently.
These can be used either with TeXsis or alone with Plain TeX.
They are in the following subdirectories:
index - index.tex contains Plain TeX macros for constructing an
index for a document in conjunction with the MakeIndex
program. It is also possible to use these to make an
index without using MakeIndex, although it is a lot more work.
rsfs - font definitions for the rsfs (Ralph Smith's Formal Script)
tables - ruled.tex contains Plain TeX macros for making nice
ruled tables.
If you use TeXsis you may want to send a short mail message to
texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu to be put on the mailing list for any
notices of updates or changes.
$! =========== TXSapxF.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXSapxF.doc
% file: TXSapxF.doc TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.1 $ : $Date: 92/05/31 20:33:27 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis Manual - FONT TABLES : This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
\appendix{B}{Font Tables}
The Computer Modern fonts that are used either by Plain \TeX\ or by
\TeXsis\ and the required sizes for each are listed in \Tbl{Fonts}. The
|cmmib10| and |cmbsy10| fonts may not exist in all installations, but
they will not be loaded unless \cs{mib} is used, so they are not required.
The command \CS{printfont}\arg{font} can be used to print a table of
the characters in any \meta{font}, e.g.,
A separate file called |Fonts.tex| is included with the standard
distribution of \TeXsis. Running |Fonts.tex| through \TeXsis\ will
produce tables of all of the fonts used by your installation of \TeXsis.
Most versions of \TeX\ now use ``CM'' (Computer Modern) fonts, but
some still use the older ``AM'' (Almost Modern) fonts. If you have
problems with the fonts, try editing |TXSfonts.tex|, replacing all
occurrences of |=cm| with |=am| and then recompiling \TeXsis. Mixing the
two types of fonts will produce errors.
Fonts used in \TeXsis, with the design size names and the required
sizes in points.
Base Name | Description | Sizes (pt) \crthick
cmr10 | Roman | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmti10 | Text italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmsl10 | Slanted | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmbx10 | Roman bold | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmmi10 | Math italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmsy10 | Math symbol | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmex10 | Math extended | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmtt10 | Typewriter | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \cr
cmss10 | Sans serif | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~~~~~~~~~~~ \crthick
cmmib10 | Math italic bold | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr
cmbsy10 | Bold symbol | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24
% >>> EOF TSXapxF.doc <<<
$! =========== TXScover.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXScover.doc
%% file: TXScover.tex TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.4 $ : $Date: 92/07/02 21:51:53 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis Manual - BINDER COVER : This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
% Just define needed large fonts; otherwise some systems may run out
% of font space!
\font\fourteenbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2%
\font\sixteenbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep3%
\font\twentybf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep4%
\font\twentyfourbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep5%
\hbox{\ } % anchor at the top
\line{\hfill \TeXsis~\fmtversion}
\line{\hfill \revdate}
\vskip 1.0in plus 1fil
\endcenter \flushleft \Tbf\singlespaced
\twentyfourbf \TeXsis
\vskip .25 cm
\hrule height .2cm
\vskip .1cm
\hrule height .07cm
\vskip .25cm
\sixteenbf \TeX\ Macros for Physicists
\vskip 1.5in plus 1fil
{\fourteenbf Eric Myers}
\vskip 3pt \hrule \vskip 3pt
Department of Physics
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
\vskip 2cm
{\fourteenbf Frank E. Paige}
\vskip 3pt \hrule \vskip 3pt
Physics Research Division
Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory
Dallas, Texas
% SPINE LABEL: don't use any \special's here
\hbox{\ }
\vskip 1in
\vbox to 1in{\vfill
\hbox to 18cm {\hfil\twentyfourbf \TeXsis : %%
\TeX\ Macros for Physicists \hfil}%
\advance\leftskip by 2cm
\vskip 1in
How to install the spine label on a binder:
Cut out the label around the outside of the
bounding ruled box. Leave extra paper
(about 1.5cm or so) on the RIGHT side.
Obtain a long thin plastic ruler or similar object which can
slide down the pocket on the binder spine.
Put the label along the ruler, face up, and fold the extra tab of paper
on the right of the label over the end of the ruler.
Slide the ruler, with the label on it, down the spine of the binder.
When the label is in place remove the ruler. The label will remain.
% >>> EOF TXScover.doc <<<
$! =========== TXSdoc.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXSdoc.doc
%% file: TXSdoc.doc TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.6 $ : $Date: 92/07/06 16:06:28 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis Manual - MASTER FILE : This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
\book % ``book'' document style
\input TXSdocR.doc % references for this manual
\input TXSdocM.doc % special macros for this manual
\markindexfalse % proof marks for index entries OFF!
\ContentsSwitchtrue % be sure contents pages are made
\input TXSdoc0.doc % title page, w/ abstract
\input TXSintro.doc % introduction
\input TXSfonts.doc % typestyles and line spacing
\input TXSeqns.doc % equation numbering, easyparens
\input TXSprns.doc % easy parentheses
\input TXSsymb.doc % special symbols
\input TXSrefs.doc % references
\input TXSsects.doc % chapters and sections
\input TXSfmts.doc % document formats and title page
\input TXSenvmt.doc % special text environments
\input TXSfigs.doc % figures and tables
\input TXSletr.doc % letter and memo formats
\input TXSdcol.doc % double column format
\input TXStags.doc % labeling things
\input TXSmisc.doc % miscellaneous macros
\TOCwrite{\bigskip\noexpand\nosechead{Appendices:}}% title in table of contents
\input TXSinstl.doc % appendix on installation
\input TXSapxF.doc % appendix on font tables
\input TXSrevs.doc % appendix on revision records
\input TXSend.doc % end material, references, etc...
\bye %
%>>> EOF TXSdoc.doc <<<
$! =========== TXSdoc0.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXSdoc0.doc
%% file: TXSdoc0.doc TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.4 $ : $Date: 92/06/19 16:28:19 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis manual - TITLE PAGE : This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
\pageno=-1 % start on page ``i''
\titlepage % begin title page
\line{\revdate \hfill \TeXsis\ \fmtversion} % a banner of sorts
\vbox{\vskip.75in} % some whitespace
\title % the title
\TeX\ Macros for Physicists
Eric Myers
Center for Relativity and Physics Department
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712~~USA
Frank E. Paige
Physics Research Division
Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory
2550 Beckleymeade Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75237~~USA
\TeXsis\ is a collection of \TeX\ macros for typesetting physics
documents such as papers and preprints, conference proceedings, books,
theses, referee reports, letters, and memos.
\TeXsis\ macros provide automatic numbering of equations, automatic
numbering and formatting of references, double column formatting, macros
for making tables and figures, with or without captions, including
tables with horizontal and vertical rules.
\TeXsis\ supports a wide variety of type sizes and a number of
specialized document formats, and it even includes macros for making
form letters for job applications or letters of recommendation.
This document describes version \fmtversion\ of \TeXsis.
% back page of title
\pageno=-2 % page ``ii''
\parskip = 10pt
\line{\hfil Printed \today}
\vskip 1cm plus 1fil
\centerline{\TeXsis: \TeX\ Macros for Physicists}
Source code and documentation for \TeXsis\ are available via
anonymous ftp over the Internet from lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu. To copy the
files, run ftp on your computer and connect to lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu (or Give the login name "anonymous" and your username as
the password. The \TeXsis\ files for Unix machines are in a (possibly
compressed) tar file in the subdirectory |texsis|, or in shar bundles in the
subdirectory |texsis/Unix|. For Vax/VMS machines the files are
available in DCL bundles (.COM files which unpack themselves into many
files) in the subdirectory |texsis/VMS|. The code is the same in any
case, it's just packed differently. The macros for making ruled tables
known as |ruled.tex| are available independently in the subdirectory
If you cannot obtain the files by anonymous ftp, they are available by
e-mail from the authors via Bitnet or the Internet, or we can try to
make arrangements to make copies on magnetic tape or floppy disks (you
provide the media or pay for it).
We would be grateful to hear of any errors found in this
documentation or in the software, and we also invite suggestions for
improvements in both. When reporting an error in the code it would help
us a great deal if you would send us a copy of the relevant sections of
the manuscript file, the log file, and if possible of any output
\vskip 0.5cm plus 1 fill
To contact us:
\settabs\+Internet Electronic Mail:\quad
& Boston Massachusetts 02215 USA\quad
& Brookhaven National Laboratory \cr
& Eric Myers & Frank E. Paige \cr
\+& Center for Relativity & Physics Research Division \cr
\+& Physics Department & SSC Laboratory \cr
\+& University of Texas & 2550 Beckleymeade Ave.\cr
\+& Austin, TX 78712 USA & Dallas, TX 75237 USA \cr
\+Internet Electronic Mail:
& myers@landau.ph.utexas.edu & paige@sscvx1.ssc.gov \cr
\+Bitnet Electronic Mail:
\+Usenet Electronic Mail:
& myers@ut-emx.UUCP & \cr
\vskip 0.5cm plus 1 fill
Copyright \copyright\ 1990, 1991, 1992 by Eric A. Myers and Frank E. Paige.
Permission is granted to use this software by any member the
academic community in conjunction with basic research. This
software may not be used or distributed for profit.
\TeXsis\ is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
\TeX\ is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
UNIX is a trademark of AT\&T Bell Laboratories.
\endgroup % end \tenpoint
\pageno = 1
% >>> EOF TXSdoc0.doc <<<
$! =========== TXSdocM.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXSdocM.doc
% file: TXSdocM.doc : $Revision: 15.6 $ : TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.6 $ : $Date: 92/08/03 18:09:16 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis Manual -- MACROS : This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
\ATunlock % allow @ macros here
% -- re-define \PageNumber to print in 12pt sans serif page
% numbers on odd/even pages, hanging out into the margins.
% (I think this looks nicer -EAM)
\ifnum\pageno<0 \romannumeral-\pageno
\pageno \rlap{\ \ \ \twelvess\number\pageno}%
\else\llap{\twelvess\number\pageno\ \ \ }%
\def\HeadFont{\tenit} % and print running headlines in italics
% -- the ``competition''
\def\TeXbook{{\sl The \TeX book}\index{TeXbook@{\TeXbook}}} % The TeXbook
\def\LaTeX{% the LaTeX symbol
{\rm L\kern -.36em\raise .3ex\hbox {A}\kern -.15em\TeX}}
\def\AmSTeX{% the AMSTeX symbol
$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.075em S$-\TeX}
% -- some useful symbols and such
\def\bs{\char92} % '\' for macro names
\def\VT{\char'174} % vertical bar
\def\offtt{\TeXquoteoff\tt} % \tt with | allowed
\def\ttdots{{\tt\phantom{0}...\phantom{0}}}% '...' with correct spacing
\def\lb{{\tt\char'173}} % { in \tt
\def\rb{{\tt\char'175}} % } in \tt
\let\rqbrack=\} % save right curly bracket
\let\lqbrack=\{ % save left curly bracket
% \meta{stuff} was our way of doing <stuff> in text. Knuth used
% \<stuff> in the TeXbook, so I use that too. The only change
% I made was to force \rm -EAM
\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$\rm #1\/$\rangle$}} % syntactic quantity
\def\meta#1{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$\rm #1\/$\rangle$}} % new \meta
% \arg is like \meta but it put's the <thing> in braces too.
\def\Sect#1{Sect\-ion~\use{sect.#1}} % section number
\def\SEC#1{Sect\-ion~\use{sect.#1}} % section number
% \clump will ``clump'' closer together the material in a \definition
% or \itemize
\def\clump{% % "clump" \definitions and \itemize
\parskip=\baselineskip % \parskip is what \baselineskip was
\advance \parskip by 0pt plus 2pt % add some stretch
\singlespaced % singlespaced
\singlelinetrue} % long guys on own line
% -- some goodies from manmac.tex
\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
\def\SS{{\it SS}} % scriptscript style
\def\|{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
\def\dn{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
\def\up{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
\def\pt{\,{\rm pt}} % units of points, in math formulas
\def\em{\,{\rm em}} % units of ems, in math formulas
\def\oct#1{\hbox{\rm\'{}\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
\def\hex#1{\hbox{\rm\H{}\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
\kern1pt\hrule}\vrule}\thinspace} % control sequence token
% -- The index is constructed with index.tex and MakeIndex
\input index
\ATunlock % make sure @ is still a letter
% Use \cs{foo} to get \foo in \tt type and make an entry in the
% index. Use \CS{foo} to get \foo in \tt type and make an BOLD
% (defining) entry in the index.
{\tt\bs #1}\index{#1@{\tt\bs #1}}% % put it in text and index it.
\ifmarkindex % mark index entries in right margin?
\llap{\lower\jot\vbox to 0pt{\vss % box it
\tightboxit{\loosebox{\phantom{\tt\bs #1}}}}\hskip-\jot}%
\TeXquoteoff % be sure | in \index is not active
{\tt\bs #1}\index{#1@{\tt\bs #1}|bold}% % put it in text and index it.
\ifmarkindex % mark index entries in right margin?
\llap{\lower\jot\vbox to 0pt{\vss % box it
\tightboxit{\loosebox{\phantom{\tt\bs #1}}}}\hskip-\jot}%
% -- Document Formatting....
\singlespaced % single spaced
\singlelinetrue % for \description
\markindextrue % proof marks for index entries (DRAFT ONLY)
\ContentsSwitchfalse % don't bother with table of contents (DRAFT)
\TeXquoteon % | is a TeX quote (printed in \tt)
\parskip=\medskipamount % some extra space between paragraphs
\EnvRightskip=0pt % allow environments all the way right
\RunningHeadstrue % do show running headlines
% We begin a new \section on a new page. This does it automatically:
% The first paragraph of a section should not be indented.
% This takes care of it whether you left a blank line or not.
\long\def\aftersection#1{\noindent\ifx\par #1\else #1\fi}
% >>> EOF TXSdocM.doc <<<
$! =========== TXSdocR.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXSdocR.doc
% file: TXSdocR.doc TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.3 $ : $Date: 92/07/31 16:06:23 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis Manual -- REFERENCES : This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
D.E.~Knuth, {\sl The \TeX book} (Addison Wesley, 1986)
W.~Groppe, {\sl TechRpt} (unpublished)
E.~Myers, {\sl \TeX sis Version 1} (unpublished)
M.~Weinstein, SLAC-TN-84-007 (1984)
M.~Doob, \booktitle{A Gentle Introduction to \TeX\ (A Manual for
Self-Study)}, (\TeX\ User's Group, Providence).
Also available as the Plain \TeX\ file {\tt gentle.tex}
via anonymous ftp from {\tt lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu} and from various
other sources on the net
M.~Spivak, {\sl PC\TeX\ User's Guide.}
(Documentation distributed with PC\TeX)
% >>> EOF TXSdocR.doc <<<
$! =========== TXSend.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXSend.doc
%% TXSend.doc TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.17 $ : $Date: 92/07/31 15:49:37 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis Manual - END MATERIAL This file is a part of TeXsis.
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
\vfill\eject % start new page
\nosechead{\fourteenbf Acknowledgments}% % no section number
\addTOC{1}{Acknowledgments}{\folio}% % add to contents
\global\def\HeadText{{\tenit Acknowledgments}}
We wish to thank Isabel Harrity\index{Harrity, Isabel} for her patience
in trying this code while it was being developed. Various other people
have also given us suggestions, criticisms, and comments regarding the
code and documentation for \TeXsis; among them we would like to thank:
\halign to \hsize{\hskip 2\parindent #\hfil\qquad\tabskip=0pt&
\tt #\hfil\tabskip=\centering\cr
Betty Armstrong & bettya@csa.lbl.gov \cr
Leo Eskin & lion@navier.stanford.edu \cr
Scott Hannahs & hannahs@buphy.bu.edu \cr
Arik Kapulkin & arik@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu \cr
Michael Morrison & mam@jilau1.Colorado.edu \cr
Anil Trivedi & trivedi@yukawa.uchicago.edu \cr
Samir Varma & varmint@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu \cr
}% end the \halign
\vskip-\parskip % kill \parskip
Additional suggestions are welcome and will be incorporated in future
This work was supported in part by the United States Department
of Energy under contracts DE-AC02-76CH00016 and DE-AC02-89ER40509,
and in part by the National Science Foundation under grant number
\nosechead{\fourteenbf References}% % no section number
\addTOC{1}{References}{\folio}% % add to contents
\setHeadline{References}% % running head text
\ListReferences % print references
\nosechead{\fourteenbf Index}
\setHeadline{{Index}}% % running head text
\index{recursion|see{recursion}} % I couldn't resist this -EAM
\immediate\openin\modfile=Manual.ind % try to open the index file
\ifeof\modfile % EOF? Then it's not there
\closein\modfile % so just close it.
\emsg{> Cannot fine the processed index file Manual.ind.}%% tell them.
\meta{There is no index. I cannot find the file Manual.ind\/}
\else %
\immediate\closein\modfile % close it to read with \input
\footline={{\hfil\tenpoint (Boldface page numbers are the defining
entries) \hfil}}% % helpful footline
\widefootlineoffset=0.5cm %
\doublecolumns % index in double columns
\singlespaced %
\baselineskip=14pt plus 1pt\relax % allow stretch
\input Manual.ind %
\vfill %
\enddoublecolumns %
\fi %
\vfill\eject % next...
\footline={\relax} % footline back to nothing
% -- TABLE OF CONTENTS, page iii
\vfill\eject % new page
\pageno=-3 % contents on iii, iv, ...
\nosechead{\fourteenbf Contents} % no section number
\bigskip % needs some space
\setHeadline{Table of Contents}%
\def\ContentsFormat{\parskip=0pt\singlespaced %
\advance\baselineskip by 1pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
\Contents % make table of contents
\begingroup % keep changes local
\parskip=0pt\singlespaced % like contents
\advance\baselineskip by 1pt plus 1pt minus 1pt % like contents
\vbox to 0.4\vsize{
\nosechead{\fourteenbf List of Tables} % no section number
\medskip % needs some space
\vfill} % list tables
\nosechead{\fourteenbf List of Figures} % no section number
\medskip % needs some space
\ListFigures % list tables
% -- If the manual is to be printed double sided then we may need
% an extra blank page in the head material to get it right.
% if so, use this....
\ifodd\pageno\else% % only if even
\global\def\HeadText{{\hss}} % clear heading
\vbox to \vsize{\vss
\centerline{This page was unintentionally left blank.}%
\fi % end if even
% >>> EOF TSXend.doc <<<
$! =========== TXSpatch.example ============
$ copy sys$input TXSpatch.example
% TXSpatch.tex TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 14.7 $ : $Date: 91/11/20 19:08:37 $ : $Author: myers $
% Run time modifications to TeXsis: put this file somewhere in the
% TEXINPUTS path where it can be read by TeXsis when it is run.
\def\fmtversion{2.15/beta}\def\revdate{26 February 1992}
\ATunlock % make @ act as a letter
%---------- insert TeXsis patches here...
%---------- end of patches
\emsg{\@comment This is TeXsis version \fmtversion, current as of \revdate.}%
\emsg{\@comment Please report problems/bugs to texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu}%
\ATlock % now hide @, no longer a letter
%>>> EOF TXSpatch.tex <<<
$! =========== TXSprns.doc ============
$ copy sys$input TXSprns.doc
% file: TXSprns.doc TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.3 $ : $Date: 92/06/12 21:49:40 $ : $Author: paige $
% TeXsis Manual - PARENTHESES : This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi
\subsection{Automatic Parentheses Sizing}
Plain \TeX\ provides automatic adjustment of the sizes of parentheses
and other delimiters when you use \cs{left} and \cs{right}, as in
\cs{left}|(| \meta{math material } \cs{right}|)|
\TeXsis\ provides similar automatic sizing of parentheses and square
brackets in displayed equations without the need of typing \cs{left} and
\cs{right}. You must still use \cs{left} and \cs{right} for all other
delimiters, and they can be used for parentheses and square brackets if
desired. This feature is turned on and off with \CS{autoparens} and
\cs{offparens} respectively; the default, once you say \cs{texsis}, is
\CS{autoparens}. Thus, for example,
( a \over b )
( a \over b )
( a \over b )
( a \over b )
which is not what one normally desires.
The automatic sizing of parentheses works by making |)|, |(|, |]|,
and |[| active characters in displayed equations and defining them to be
macros which use \cs{left} and \cs{right} to size the parentheses. While
this normally works properly and simplifies the typing of equations, it
will fail if the \cs{left} and \cs{right} operators are not properly
balanced, such as when a long equation is split between two or more
lines with \cs{eqalign} or \cs{EQNalign}. Almost all such problems can be
solved by using the control sequences \cs{lparen}, \cs{rparen}, \cs{lbrack},
and \cs{rbrack}, which are taken from Plain \TeX\ and which give just the
standard parenthesis and bracket characters. For example,
F &= \Biggl\lbrack (a \over b) + (c \over d) \cr
&\qquad + (e \over f) + (g \over h) \Biggr\rbrack \cr}
can be produced with
F &= \Biggl\lbrack (a \over b) + (c \over d) \cr
&\quad + (e \over f) + (g \over h) \Biggr\rbrack \cr}
Note that in this example the parentheses are balanced on one line and
so can be sized automatically, while the brackets span two lines and so
must be sized ``by hand.'' The \cs{vbig} macro described in the next section
provides additional flexibility for sizing.
If all else fails, you can use \cs{offparens} to turn off the
automatic sizing of parentheses and put in \cs{left} and \cs{right} or
explicit sizes yourself. In any case, you must put \cs{left} and
\cs{right}, if needed, in in-line equations (math expressions which are
not displayed equations). Note also that previous versions of
\TeXsis\ used the control sequence \cs{onparens} to provide automatic
parentheses sizing in {\it all} math-mode expressions. While you can still
use, this we do not encourage it since it may cause problems with other
uses of these characters.
%>>> EOF TXSprns.doc <<<
$! =========== Tablebody.txs ============
$ copy sys$input Tablebody.txs
%: Tablebody.txs TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.1 $ : $Date: 91/11/20 18:56:00 $ : $Author: myers $
% Old-style Figure macros - This file is a part of TeXsis
% (C) copyright 1991 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
% The following macros make simple ruled tables with automatic spacing,
% i.e. no vertical struts are needed. Taken from TechRpt with modifications as
% in TeXsis 2.11. These are included for backward compatability
% and will eventually be phased out.
% \Tablebody actually begins the table body, with the \halign template.
% #1 is number of columns. \Tableskipsize is set by \singlespaced,
% \doublespaced, etc. in TXSmacs.
\catcode`@=11 % make @ a letter for this file
\def\Tablebody#1{% % #1 = no. columns
\hbox to \hsize\bgroup % start hbox for table
\hss $$ \vbox\bgroup % centered displaymath
\offinterlineskip % No interline glue
\def\tablerule{\noalign{\hrule}} % simple rule
\def\T@bleskip{\Tableskip{#1}{\Tableskipsize}} % nice skip
\def\T@blerule{\T@bleskip\tablerule\T@bleskip} % nice rule
\def\Cr{\cr\T@bleskip} % \cr and nice skip
\def\CR{\cr\T@blerule} % \cr and nice rule
\def\CRCR{\cr\T@bleskip\tablerule % \cr and nice double
\Tableskip{#1}{1pt}\tablerule\T@bleskip} % rule
\def~{\phantom{0}} % ~ is digit-width space
\halign\bgroup % start \halign
\vrule## % do leftmost vrule
&&\quad\hfil##\hfil\quad\strut % repeat for each column
&\vrule##\crcr % vrule on the right
\tablerule % hrule at top of table
\T@bleskip} % add some space
\def\tablebody{\Tablebody} % synonym
% \endTablebody closes \Tablebody.
\def\endTablebody{ %
\bottomrule % put rule at bottom
\crcr\egroup % close the \halign
\egroup $$ % close vbox, math
\hss\egroup} % close the hbox
\def\endtablebody{\endTablebody} % synonym
% \Tablebodyleft is just like \Tablebody except that the columns are
% set flush left.
\def\Tablebodyleft#1{% % #1 = no. columns
\hbox to \hsize\bgroup % start hbox for table
\hss $$ \vbox\bgroup % centered displaymath
\offinterlineskip % No interline glue
\def\tablerule{\noalign{\hrule}} % simple rule
\def\T@bleskip{\Tableskip{#1}{\Tableskipsize}} % nice skip
\def\T@blerule{\T@bleskip\tablerule\T@bleskip} % nice rule
\def\Cr{\cr\T@bleskip} % \cr and nice skip
\def\CR{\cr\T@blerule} % \cr and nice rule
\def\CRCR{\cr\T@bleskip\tablerule % \cr and nice double
\Tableskip{#1}{1pt}\tablerule\T@bleskip} % rule
\def~{\phantom{0}} % ~ is digit-width space
\halign\bgroup % start \halign
\vrule## % do leftmost vrule
&&\quad##\hfil\quad\strut % repeat for each column
&\vrule##\crcr % vrule on the right
\tablerule % hrule at top of table
\T@bleskip} % add some space
% \Tableskip#1#2 produces a vertical skip with rules of height #2 for
% a table with #1 columns.
% \tablerule produces just a rule.
% \Tablerule#1#2 produces a rule with a skip of dimen #2 on each side
% for a table with #1 columns.
\def\Tableskip#1#2{height #2 \global\mscount#1%
\gloop\ifnum\mscount>\z@ \Tsk@p\repeat\cr}
% \bottomrule is a horizontal rule across the table. It is turned off
% by \nobottomrule (locally to the \halign)
%>>> EOF Tablebody.txs <<<
$! =========== WorldSci.txs ============
$ copy sys$input WorldSci.txs
% file: WorldSci.txs TeXsis version 2.14
% $Revision: 15.0 $ : $Date: 91/07/09 19:31:07 $ : $Author: myers $
% WorldSci -- TeXsis style file for World-Scientific Publishers
\emsg{\@comment\ WorldSci: World-Scientific proceedings layouts}
% \WorldScientific conforms to the layout instructions given by
% World Scientific Publishing Co., but see their instructions for futher
% details. One thing to keep in mind, they prefer headings of major
% sections in CAPITAL LETTERS.
\def\WorldScientific{% Document layout for World Scientific Proceedings
\hsize=150mm % horizontal page size
\vsize=220mm % vertical page size
\paper % everything is like \paper, except...
\showchaptIDfalse\showsectIDfalse % no chapter or section ID's
\nopagenumbers % turn off page numbering
\def\abstract{% % for \WorldScientific
\endmode % end previous field
\bgroup % begin abstract group
\let\endmode=\endabstract %
\singlespaced\whitespaced% %
\vskip\baselineskip %
\centerline{ABSTRACT}% %
\smallskip}% %
%>>> EOF WorldSci.txs <<<
$! =========== bundle ============
$ copy sys$input bundle
# bundle (bundle up TeXsis)
# $Revision: 1.1 $ : $Date: 91/02/01 23:26:31 $ : $Author: myers $
makekit -m -s90k -nTEXSIS
$! =========== nuclproc.txs ============
$ copy sys$input nuclproc.txs
% file: nuclproc.txs TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.1 $ : $Date: 92/06/30 14:31:53 $ : $Author: myers $
% TeXsis - Nuclear Physics Proceedings : This file is a part ot TeXsis
% (C) Copyright 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
% \nuclproc is a double column format with titles in upper case and left
% justified, twelve point type, etc., for camera-ready copy.
% Constructed following directions in ``Instructions for the Preparation
% and Typing of Camera Ready Contributions'' by Mary Carpenter, Elsevier
% Publishers.
\def\nuclproc{% Nuclear Physics Proceedings style
\texsis % initialize
\emsg{\@comment\ nuclproc: Nuclear Physics Proceedings style}%
\advance\voffset by -1.2cm \relax % as close to the top as possible
\advance\hoffset by -1.4cm \relax % as close to the left as possible
\auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
\refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
\def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\fourteenss\uppercase}% Title typestyle (takes args!)
\def\tbf{\twelvepoint\it\uppercase}% % section head typestyle
\twelvepoint % twelve point type size
\twelvess % but SANS SERIF font
\parindent=0.6cm % paragraph indent
\autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
\quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
\nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
\singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
\def\titlepage{% % for \nuclproc
\hbox{\ }% % anchor to top of page
\vskip 0.50cm % whitespace above title
\begingroup % title material in group
\let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
\narrower\parindent=0pt}% %
\def\endtitlepage{% % for \nuclproc
\endmode % end any open field
\smallskip %
\endgroup % end title material
\doublecolumns % text is in double columns
\singlespaced\whitespaced} % 1.25 percent spacing
\def\title{% begin title for \nuclproc
\endmode % end previous field, if any
\mark{Title Page\NX\else Title Page}% % so \HeadLine doesn't print
\bgroup % begin title group
\def\endmode{\endtitle}% % how to end this mode
\widenspacing % a little wider spacing
\flushleft % left justified
\Tbf{}% %
\def\endtitle{% end the title for \nuclproc
\endflushleft %
\egroup % end title group
\bigskip}% %
\def\author{% name of author for \nuclproc
\endmode % end any previous field
\bgroup\narrower % margins
\let\endmode=\endauthor % set up ending
\flushleft % flush left
\NHgetauthor}% % get author's name from next line
\def\endauthor{% end \author for \nuclproc
\endflushleft % end flush left
\vskip\normalbaselineskip % skip one line
\egroup}% % end author group
\def\and{\smallskip{and}\smallskip}% %
\def\abstract{% % for \nuclproc
\endmode % end any open field
\bigskip % skip down some
\bgroup % mode is local
\let\endmode=\endabstract % how to end this mode
\singlespaced\noindent}% %
\def\endabstract{% end \abstract for \nuclproc
\medskip\egroup\bigskip}% %
% \NHgetauthor is like \getauthor but left justifies and skips
% one line after author's name.
{#1\vskip0pt\noindent{ #2}% % author line
\def\\{\discretionary{}{}{,}}% % , unless line breaks
\vskip\normalbaselineskip % blank line
\rightcolrule % with the rule at top of right column
\doublecolumns} % then back to double column mode
%>>> EOF nuclproc.txs <<<
$! =========== null.tex ============
$ copy sys$input null.tex
$! =========== ruled.tex ============
$ copy sys$input ruled.tex
%% file: ruled.tex TeXsis version 2.15
% $Revision: 15.1 $ : $Date: 92/06/17 14:57:03 $ : $Author: myers $
% RULED TABLES. Plain TeX macros for making nice ruled tables.
% The actual guts of the ruled.tex macros are in the file TXSruled.tex,
% which is loaded at the end of this file. Here we just include
% the interline spacing macros from TeXsis since they are also of
% use in the table making macros.
% (C) copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
\def\singlespaced{% sets interline spacing to \normalbaselineskip
\baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip % reset interline
\setRuledStrut % set ruled table spacing
\def\singlespace{\singlespaced} % synonym for \singlespaced
\def\doublespaced{% sets interline spacing to 1.5 the \normalbaselineskip
\baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip % increase interline
\multiply\baselineskip by 150 % spacing by 1.50
\divide\baselineskip by 100 % of normal
\setRuledStrut % set ruled table spacing
\def\doublespace{\doublespaced} % synonym for \doublespaced
\def\TrueDoubleSpacing{% sets interline spacing to twice \normalbaselineskip
\baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip % increase interline
\multiply\baselineskip by 2 % spacing by 2.0
\setRuledStrut % set ruled table spacing
\def\truedoublespacing{\TrueDoubleSpacing} % synonym for \TrueDoubleSpacing
\def\triplespaced{% sets interline spacing to 3.0 the \normalbaselineskip
\baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip % increases interline
\multiply\baselineskip by 3 % spacing by 3.0
\setRuledStrut % set ruled table spacing
\def\widenspacing{% increases the interline spacing by 1.25
\multiply\baselineskip by 125 % increase the interline
\divide\baselineskip by 100 % spacing by a factor of 1.25
\setRuledStrut % set ruled table spacing
\def\whitespaced{\widenspacing} % synonym for \widenspacing
\def\whitespace{\widenspacing} % synonym for \widenspacing
% \setRuledStrut creates a vertical strut to hold the interline
% spacing in ruled tables. It is defined in TXSruled.tex
\input TXSruled.tex
% Turn off @ as letter before we exit
\catcode`@=12 % @ is not a letter
%>>> EOF ruled.tex <<<
$! =========== texsis.1 ============
$ copy sys$input texsis.1
.\" TeXsis Man Page: Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
.\" This file is a part of TeXsis
.\" To view this file without the man command type:
.\" 'nroff -man texsis.1 | more'
.\" or, on some versions of man, just man -l texsis.1
.\" $Revision: 15.2 $ : $Date: 92/06/30 12:54:02 $ : $Author: myers $
.TH TEXSIS 1L "1 July 1992" "Version 2.15"
TeXsis \- TeX macros for Physicists
.B texsis
[ filename ]
.I TeXsis
is a collection of
.I TeX
macros for typesetting physics documents such as papers and preprints,
conference proceedings, books, theses, referee reports, letters, and
.I TeXsis
macros provide automatic numbering of equations, automatic
numbering and formatting of references, double column formatting, macros
for making tables and figures, with or without captions, including
tables with horizontal and vertical rules.
.I TeXsis
supports a wide variety of type sizes and a number of
specialized document formats, and it even includes macros for making
form letters for job applications or letters of recommendation.
TeXsis is an extension of "plain" TeX, so anything you know how to do in
plain TeX you can do in TeXsis. TeXsis macro instructions are simply
abbreviations for often used combinations of control sequences used to
typeset physics documents. For more information about plain TeX see the
manual entry for "tex", or
.I The TeXbook,
by D.E. Knuth.
TeXsis is stored as a pre-loaded format so that it loads quickly (see
"preloaded formats" in
.I The TeXbook
). To run TeXsis simply give the command
.I texsis
in place of the
.I tex
command, i.e.
.in +2
.B texsis
[ filename ]
.in -2
.I filename.tex
is the name of a file containing TeX and/or TeXsis
TeXsis is initally in plain TeX mode, i.e. 10pt type and singlespaced,
but the control sequence \\texsis selects 12pt type, doublespacing,
and enables other useful features. Alternatively, \\paper turns on
these features and sets things up to typeset a paper, \\thesis does
the same for typesetting a thesis, \\letter is used to produce
a letter using macros similar to those listed in the back of
.I The TeXbook,
\\memo gives a setup for producing memoranda, and so on.
A manual which describes all of the TeXsis macro instructions is
available. It is written in TeXsis, so it serves as its own example of
how to write a document with TeXsis. The source code is also heavily
commented, so it is possible to extract useful macros from the source
code and modify them to suit your own purposes. Provisions are made for
local customization of TeXsis. In particular, the file TXSmods.tex,
if it exists, is read from the current directory or from the path
TEXINPUTS whenever TeXsis is started. You can therefore put your own
custom macros for a given project in a directory and they will
automatically be loaded when TeXsis is run from that directory.
Having the full manual written in TeXsis can cause a problem if you
don't have a version of TeXsis already running. To get around
this you can run Manual.tex through plain TeX and it will load
the TeXsis files before processing the manual. This takes longer.
The installation instructions are also provided in plain TeX form
in the file Install.tex.
TeXsis informational messages are written to the terminal and
the log file begining with "%". Warning and error messages
begin with ">".
The source files for TeXsis and the TeXsis manual are usually installed
in the same place the rest of TeX is kept, probably on
/usr/local/lib/tex or /usr/local/tex.
.TP 2.5i
TeXsis pre-loaded format.
"Style" files which can be read in at run time for special document
Run time patch file (like a system TeXsis.rc file).
TeXsis macros source code.
TeXsis manual sources (written in TeXsis).
Local site customization instructions (read only once when the format
file is created).
Run time init file (read from current directory or the search path
Donald E. Knuth,
.I The TeXbook
Eric Myers
Center for Relativity,
Department of Physics,
Univerity of Texas,
Austin, TX 78705 USA
Frank E. Paige,
Physics Research Division,
Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory,
2550 Beckleymeade Avenue,
Dallas, TX 75237 USA
Please report bugs (or suggestions for improvements) to
$! =========== texsis.el ============
$ copy sys$input texsis.el
;% file: texsis.el TeXsis version 2.15
;% $Revision: 14.1 $ : $Date: 90/09/12 21:37:54 $ : $Author: myers$
; GNU emacs support for TeXsis
; The function texsis-mode makes TeXsis the version of TeX run by the
; commands TeX-buffer and TeX-region.
; The function look-for-texsis looks for "\texsis" (or actually, just
; the word "texsis") and sets texsis-mode if such is found. Put this
; in your TeX-mode-hook to automatically set texsis-mode for TeXsis files.
; Eric Myers, University of Texas at Austin, 22 September 1990
; with help from Leo D. Eskin (lion@navier.stanford.edu)
(defun texsis-mode () "TeX mode for processing TeXsis files."
(setq mode-name "TeXsis") ;; mode name is TeXsis
(setq TeX-command "texsis") ;; command to run is "texsis"
(defun look-for-texsis () "search for \"texsis\", if found turn on
(goto-char (point-min))
;; look for the word "texsis" anywhere in the text
(if (search-forward "texsis" nil t)
(goto-char (point-min))
$! =========== vms_bundle ============
$ copy sys$input vms_bundle
# Shell script to bundle groups of files for VMS systems.
# Uses the MANIFEST file created by the makekit program to determine the
# contents of each bundle, so you must make Unix bundles first.
while true
a=`fgrep " $i " MANIFEST | awk '{ print $1 }' `
if [ -z "$a" ]
exit 0
echo Making kit $i
if [ $i -lt 10 ]
echo \
> $outf
echo "\$! === THEN EXECUTE THIS FILE WITH \"@$outf\" ===" >> $outf
echo "\$! Contents:" >> $outf
for f in $a
echo "\$! $f" >> $outf
for f in $a
echo "\$! =========== $f ============" >> $outf
echo "\$ copy sys\$input $f" >> $outf
sed -e '/^\$/s/^\$/ \$/' $f >> $outf
i=`expr $i + 1`